Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Ecosphere Wonderland [by JESK]

Authors: Emma Brasseur, Shane Hall, Jessica Roth, & Karina Yu

1 Snail
1 Shrimp
Bacopa Plant
1 Bacopa Plant
Aquatic Floating Fern
1 Aquatic Floating Fern
2.25 mL
4.75 mL
Table 1: The original contents of our ecosphere

New Developments:
Since our last post, our ecosphere has developed more algae, and snail babies (Figure 4). The development of our snail babies was slightly surprising to us, considering our parent snail has been dead/decomposed for quite some time now (Figure 3). Other than these new forms of life, our ecosphere is the same. Our shrimp is still alive and is doing very well. We were even able to record our shrimp hightailing around the ecosphere.

We compared our ecosphere to Mariam’s group ecosphere (Figure 5). They included a snail, and the aquatic floating fern in their ecosphere like our group, but they did not add a shrimp, daphnia, anabaena, or bacopa like we did. However, MCDC had hay and three mermaid plants in their ecosphere. In the similar organisms the main difference was that their snail was still alive. Also, the water in their ecosphere seems to be a bit clearer, while ours is a little murky.
Video 1: Video of Shrimp

Figure 1: Ecosphere on May 11

Figure 2: Shrimp Swimming Around Ecosphere [May 11]

Figure 3: Decomposing Snail [May 18]

Figure 4: Baby Snails on Side of Container, As Well As Algal Growth [ May 18]

Figure 5: Mariam’s Group Ecosphere

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys!

    I think it's so awesome that your group managed to keep their shrimp alive! I don't know of any other group who kept theirs alive so bravo! I'm curious as to how your snail had babies after passing. Perhaps they were born before the snail had passed on, but that's still interesting that you ended up with snails even when your initial one died. Every group that had a snail it seems like ended up with snail babies. I wonder why that is? Maybe snails just really feel the need to reproduce as much as possible. I also really enjoyed the video of your shrimp! Watching him swim around was really cool :) It seems like he grew quite a bit as well too. Overall, great post guys, and congrats on the snail babies and the success of your pet shrimp!
