Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Eco-sphere Blog Post #2 by TGB

Authors: Vlad A., Patrick W., Nate C., Gerar S.

Bonjour, fellow biologists! It's us, the Good Boys, back at it again to bring you all an update on our ecosphere. ᕙ(˵ ಠ ਊ ಠ ˵)ᕗ
Before we continue on with the update, we will go over details from the last post to refresh your memory on what happened and where our ecosphere erupted from. First of all, here is the list of organisms and materials that were included within our project:
Nutrient Water
DI water
1 cup
Fine Sand
2 cups
2 drops
2 drops
Ram Horn Snail
1 count
16 count
1 count
1 count

And here is the generated food web (no changes from the last post):

Lastly, in the previous post we talked about how our daphnia disappeared from our ecosphere and our snail, Jesse, had plenty of babies. That’s pretty much the only main events. s( ^ ‿ ^)-b

May 9th

The first picture shows the entire ecosphere, including the ever healthy Jesse. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ There were not much changes since the last post in these pictures. However, the second picture shows the length of our bacopa and mermaid plants extending beyond our jar. They have definitely grown well!╰(◕ᗜ◕)╯

May 11th

Only two days have past since the last pictures, but these two pictures shows the significant difference between our ecosphere(right) between the Funguy's ecosphere(left). Our ecosphere lists were similar, except they included pond water and anabaena. Because they had pond water and anabaena, they had spectacular growth of algae, giving their ecosphere a nice green glow. Ours on the other hand has very clear water. Their snail also produced babies and they had a robust amount of daphnia. Even though our snail produced babies, our daphnia are non existent. ໒( ” ͒ Ĺ̯ ͒ ” )७ Their growth of other organisms could be contributed to the fact that they have anabaena and pond water that provides additional food and nutrients for their organisms.

May 16th

It's already established that the daphnia are missing so we will no longer speak of them from this point on. Our ecosphere shows no significant changes since the past week. The second picture brings to light the minuscule "hair follicles" growing from the stem of our mermaid plant. The leaf that is wilting is the single leaf closest to the ground. The next picture shows Jesse; earlier in the class period, Nate thought that Jesse was dead because his/her shell was just floating around, but later it was revealed that Jesse wasn't actually dead. ԅ། ຈ ◞౪◟ຈ །و The final picture was just a nice picture.

May 18th

Here is Jesse once again being a snail. There is still no major changes to the organisms within the ecosphere except for the emergence of more Jesse babies. /╲/\╭⁞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ⁞╮/\╱\

1 comment:

  1. Hey TGB! This was a nice update, it's good to see Jesse and the Jesse offspring doing well. I think we also had kind of a similar set up since we used tap water with daphnia, a snail, volvox and mermaid plants and we got some similar results with baby snails, daphnia extinction (:'c) and good mermaid growth. Our extinction was probably due to the use of utricularia whereas yours seems to be lack of nutrition though. It's kind of funny you guys had a snail death scare because we had the same thing - we mourned the death of our snail for a flat 30 minutes before Chris pointed out he was still moving :v Good read, I'm glad most of your ecosphere is having a good time!
