Saturday, May 21, 2016

***EXCLUSIVE*** All Group Ecology Coverage ***EXCLUSIVE***

Hello reader! Have you ever wondered what exciting, fresh, science is happening at the lab station right next to you? Me too! That's why I did some quick investigative journalism last Wednesday to find out. Below you can check out a quick video over viewing what everyone is up to, which I thought might be good to know since everyone's pretty much absorbed into their own science at this point. I might ask everyone for quick updates in the weeks to come if they're okay with it, so watch out for how things progress~!

Groups in the 1120 Lab Section

Svetlana Alabyeva, Tyler Klaudt, Kevin Tang, Kateka Seth - Microbe interaction with Western Sword Ferns

Mariam Elias, Wenyi Fu, Dayeon Jung, Conner Laursen - Bee Rhododendron Flower Colour Preference

Jade, Karissa Crawford, Karissa Guzman, Thinh Pham - Investigation of Pond Water Quality using Daphnia as an Indicator Species 

Emma Brasseur, Shane Hall, Jessica Roth, and Karina Yu - Angiosperm Resistance to Toxicity of Nicotine and Petroleum

Vladimir Afanasenko, Nathaniel Cutshall, Gerar Suaverdez, Patrick Widjaja - Competition between Aphid Species on Pea Plants

*Taylor Jones, Amy Latimer, Lisa Merritt, Shawna Steele - Effect of Soil pH on Rate of Transpiration in Tomato Plants

Yasmin Dunn, Christopher Nguyen, Stacie TakushiJessica Ufland - Bee Flower Fragrance and Nectar Concentration Preference

*Technically these guys are in 1126 but they're in the video so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

P.S. If I missed anyone out or I'm summarised something wrong, please feel free to let me know by email or comments, thanks!


  1. EXCLUSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Too good Yasmin. Also just realized I explained my group's project way better in this one clip than any of the vlogging we've done haha. Might have to steal some footage in the future.

  3. Wow! This post is super cool! I didn't even know most of the names of the people in my lab. Now I now at least some of their names. Also, it's really interesting how diverse other people's projects are. Patrick and Nate look pretty good in this video. I'd really like to see the conclusion of the Bee Rhododendron Flower Colour Preference project.
