Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pine Ridge Park Field Trip by Conner Laursen

The field trip to Pine Ridge Park was a fascinating experience to learn about different types of fungi and observe living examples of fungi and lichen. We observed different types of fungi including decomposers as shown below



This particular fungi was decomposing a dead log on the forest floor.

Other types of fungi that we observed were parasitic fungi, which Korena explained could be identified by looking at the black, sap like material coming out of trees as a last ditch effort to expel the fungi from its system.

Mycorrhizal fungi was the next fungi shown to us at the park. This type of fungi as seen as best friends with trees as they form a mutualistic relationship with each other. I thought this system was the most interesting because the tree could cut off the fungi at any time depending on if it needed the resource that the fungi provided or if the tree is unable to provide the resource that the fungi needs.
We also observed lichen on older trees and it was interesting to learn that the area of the patches of lichen can be measured to determine the age of the tree, much like counting the rings in the stump does.

I think this field trip was an overall great experience and I would love to do it again in future labs and recommend field trips for future classes. Not only was it a great, sunny day outside but the hands on experience for lab was a much better way to learn than looking at slides and reading lab manuals. If the opportunity arises that another field trip is scheduled for this class or any other class, I would gladly participate in the learning experience.

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