Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Bee Check 6/15 - Gerar Suaverdez

Today I went to check out the bees here in Edmonds (as most of you probably already have). I would assume that people have already discussed the main points about the bees and how these bees operate. Instead of repeating the details, I will just share my pictures and my experience.
I found this field trip entertaining because it was something I've never experienced before. I've been stung by a bee before and it hurt a lot, thus making me not like bees or anything that looks like a bee. Of course we learned in class what we should and shouldn't be afraid of. These bees were pretty gentle, probably due to the smoke. I learned that you don't need to be afraid of bees as long as you don't make them angry. They won't sting you unless they feel threatened since it's their last line of defense.

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