Friday, June 17, 2016

Another Hive Check!

So Wednesday, June 17th, after the final, I got to go out with the last group of students to check the bee hives.

There was two kinds of bees we looked at, the Caucasian and the Orange Italian bees. The Caucasian bees are the ones my small group looked at, and they are supposed to be less aggressive. Oh, those angry Italians. Although they weren't as aggressive, there was definitely still lots of movement as we observed them.
It was mentioned that earlier in the year, it had seemed like the bees were not building too well and they were a little worried about them. When we went to go check this time around, there was much more built in the hives. There were plenty of combs to make the slates heavy. On some, you could even see they little homes where the bees were making baby bees. They get like their own baby bee suites. On one slate, we could see one being born. Unfortunately, there were too many bees around it, so it would've been too hard to get a picture. We also did not get to find the queen with our bees, but we saw one later when they found the Orange Italian queen. Man, she had a big butt.

Overall, I would definitely do this experience. The bees don't really scare you once you get used to them being around and it was so cool to get up close with them to see how they work. I learned a lot about bees getting to do this. As a scientist, this was probably one of the cooler experiences I have. If possible, I would definitely recommend.

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